Most Music Producers Only Get Paid When They Sell A Beat.
This New System Helps You Get Paid if You Sell Your Beats or Not!
13 Ways To Get Paid On

We are the first dedicated beat website to pay music producers for their Beat Plays.
#1 Your Beat Plays - Here is the Problem. When you promote your beats anywhere online, potential buyers listen to your beats before they decide if they want to purchase any of your beats. This means you can get 10,000 plus plays before you get a single purchase. Artists can write to your beats, add them to playlist or favorite them for a later time completely consuming your work. As a result of you providing them with that service, there is no reward for you. Simply put, YOU DON'T GET PAID ANYTHING.
Here is the Solution. With, this doesn't happen. On our platform you are paid every time an artist listens to your beats. You spend hours on your craft which brings in customers for the platform. It's only right that shares the profits and rewards you for providing your content (Beats) for artists to listen to. Simply put, YOU GET PAID FOR BEAT PLAYS NOW!. shares the profits with you while other platforms keep 100% of all revenue outside of your beat sales.
#2 Your Customer Subscriptions Pay You - Here is the problem.On any other big music production website, you receive tools to market your beats. You receive a profile page and links to post and share your beats. From your links customers come back to the website and sign-up. They may or may not purchase your beats but become a customer of that beat site. If they buy beats later from any other music producer, you get nothing in return for bringing them to the platform. You end up losing out on your time and effort.
Here is the Solution. provides you with the same exact tools. The difference is our tools are tracked back to you and if someone signs up, they become your customer for life. The great thing about your customers is when they come back and take action, you GET PAID. When they are buying beats, listening to beats or even starting a monthly subscription, you get a commission. The second way that you get paid is by receiving 40% a month for every artist or music producer who upgrades to a premium monthly subscription.

You Make 100% when your customer buy your beats.
#3 You Keep 100% When Your Customers Buy Your Beats. - As you grow on the platform and promote your beats, you will start to see your customer list growing. Anytime one of your customers decides to purchase from your catalog of beats, you will receive 100% of the beat sales price.

You make 30% from your customers when they buy beats from other music producers.
#4 You Make 30% Commissions - Here is the problem. Other beat platforms are fine with you sending traffic to their platforms and bringing new customers. However, if you asked them to give you a cut for when those same customers buy other music producers’ beats, they would say no. A large percentage of the time, it's the producers that send most of the traffic and bring in new customers. fully understands this and created a way for you to benefit more financially from your work.
Here is the Solution. Anytime one of your customers decides to come back later and purchase a beat from another producer, you will receive a 30% commission from the sale. That is a commission for bringing the customer to our network. If it wasn't for your effort in sharing your links, maybe the buyer would not have found the music producer who benefited from your promotion. We value your efforts more than any other beat platform by paying you a 30% commission when your customers buy other music producers beats.

You make 60% commission when someone's customer buys your beats.
#5 60% Network Beat Sale Commission - You should realize by now that we have a profit-sharing community. In multiple ways the members of our community are being rewarded for their efforts. It's no different when someone else’s customer buys a beat from you. In this case you keep 60% of the beat sale and the user who signed up that customer will receive a 30% commission for getting the buyer to the platform.

You make 100% commission in your own Pro Beat Store.
#6 Your Pro Store Beat Sales - Many platforms offer you a beat player or website to sell your own beats. Not a bad idea. However, we improved on it to give you more opportunity to generate more income, brand yourself and leverage the content/beats of other music producers. What we have done with the Pro Beat Stores is allow you to add all the beats on to be sold in your own beat store to make commissions. It only takes one click of your mouse to add all the beats on to be sold in your own beat store. When your beats are sold from your own pro beat store, you keep 100% of the beat sales price.

You make 30% commission selling other music producers beats.
#7 Your Pro Store Pays You 30% Commission - If you desire to promote other music producers in your pro beat store under your brand and your own domain, you will get a 30% commission from every beat sold that is not yours. So, within minutes of signing up today and creating your account on, you can add thousands of beats to your Pro Store and receive a 30% commission from each sale. This is unheard of anywhere else online. Just so you are aware, your Pro Beat Store is FREE with your account. It’s given to you at no extra charge

You make 50% commission when your beats sell in another Pro Store.
#8 Your Receive 50% Commission From Other Pro Stores - All the music producers that sign up on receive a free Pro Store to brand their own name and use their own domain name. The great thing about this feature is the producers can add your beats to their store and promote you with other music producers. Each time one of your beats are sold in a members Pro Store, you receive a 50% commission. This is a massive promotion for you as a music producer and give you many beat distribution outlets to get more listens

You make 20% commission from your customers Pro Stores.
#9 You Receive 20% Commission From all your customers Pro Stores - Remember, every user you bring to is your customer and you make profits from everything they do. Well, if your customer decides to promote beats from their free Pro Store and they make a beat sale that is not their beat, you will receive 20% off the beat price. It's really that simple. So, the more customers that you have using Pro Stores to promote beats, the more opportunity you have to make commissions this way.

You make 10% from your customers that sign up subscriptions.
#10 Your Receive 10% Commission From all your customers subscribers - There is a two-tier payment you receive when the customers you sign up begin to sign up their own customers. As stated in revenue stream #2 you make 40% every month from your customers monthly subscription fee. However, when your customer starts to sign up their own customers, you receive a second-tier payment of 10% of the monthly subscription rate.

You make royalties every time your customers who are music producers beats are played.
#11 Your Music Producer Customers make you money from their beat plays - If you read all the ways that you get paid so far, then you clearly understand our profit-sharing business model through referrals and building up your customer list of artists and music producers. So, what is the eleventh way to get paid? Every time a music producer who is your customer gets a qualified beat play; you also gain a percentage of the income generated from that beat play because they are your customer. This benefit is for the life of their subscription.

You make royalties every time artists you refer play other producers beats.
#12 Your artists customers make you money every time they press play - Just like royalty stream eleven, twelve is another way you get paid on beat plays. When you refer an artist to the platform and they sign up under you to become your customer, you are paid every time they listen to beats. It doesn’t matter how many artists you sign up as customers, if they are listening to beats, you are getting paid. Nothing else to say but go refer a hundred or more artists and GET PAID!

You have opportunities to win cash prizes.
#13 Your skills can pay the bills - Buy Beats offers several ways to win cash money on the platform.
- The top two ranked music producers from beat battles get cash prizes every month.
- Our team will often pick close beats battles and create a staff battle where the winner will receive a cash prize.
- Tournaments are announced that give producers the opportunity to compete in a bracket style contest to win the main cash prize.
- Referral contests are coming soon. The member that refers the most referrals within the month will receive a cash bonus.
- More ways to be announced soon.
What Other Music Producers Are Saying!

" I'm absolutely in love with this platform "
BuyBeats is an absolute game changer in the Beat Selling industry. The fact that you get paid even if your customers buy someone else's beats, is gold. I lot of producers who have been currently posting their beats online can finally maximize the traffic they bring in and get paid in 13 different ways. I'm absolutely in love with this platform.

"I like that you can make money whether you sell your beats or not."
The concepts and ideas are way better than beatstars, airbit, soundee and the rest of the beat stores I have come across. Those stores give producers the tools to go out and make money by doing all the work for themselves. With, I like that you can make money whether you sell your beats or not. The fact that you can set up shop on and not be a music producer and still make money puts way ahead of the pack. It's like anyone can join, and A&R the beats they want to promote and bridge the gap between Artists and Music Producers. The Whole Site Is REVOLUTIONARY!

"This is a Game Changer for Music Producers who sell beats online!"
I have been promoting and selling my beats online for over 10 years. I have used sites like AirBit, BeatStars, and others and have never seen a website for Music Producers and Artists that offers what does. allows you to make money as well support other music producers in the process. This is a Game Changer for Music Producers who sell beats online!
I believe the best thing about it all is, anyone I bring to as a new customer, I get paid for a lifetime when ever they subscribe or buy any beats on the site. NO other beat site I know is giving its members 30-40% of their profits. THIS IS CRAZY!
The Corporatethief Beats

"For a website to share their profits with the users... is beyond what Airbit and Beatstars provides."
If you are looking for the perfect alternative beat store, this is it! Not hating on BeatStars or Airbit, but the features to make money while promoting your beats makes the best place to be, PERIOD!
Just the fact that you can make commissons with other producers, puts this platform on another level. I also like the fact that when an Artist or Music Producer signs up, they are assigned to you forvever and when they spend on beats or a producer creates a profile, you get 30-40% commissions for the lifetime of their membership. For a website to share their profits with the users who bring in the customers is beyond what Airbit and Beatstars provides. I'm just left to think of how many artist and producers found those other sites from my promotions and I didn't receive a dime.BuyBeats is coming to change the entire landscape!
Don Kody Got Slapz

"I can't believe someone never thought to do this s@%t before"
Yo fatz, I can't believe I have already referred 12 Artists and Producers and the site only been up for like 2 weeks. All I did was share my page link to my beats. It's sick how you have that set up to track visitors so when they sign up, I get them as a lifetime customer. When I think about the commissions, all I can think about is how this time next year the income I could be making. This s@%t here going to feed a lot of us in the beat industry. I can't believe someone never thought to do this s@%t before. All I could say now is I'm setting a goal to get 1000 new customers under my name so I can lay back and chill while money is coming in every month. I'm Sick!

"This is a Dope Idea!"
I just signed up and decided to place all my new NY Drill Beats Compilation exclusively on the platform. The benefits are like no other Beat Website online and the potential is great. Seems like if you're willing to put in the work, the site will pay you more ways than one. This is a Dope Idea!
Sound Boy Beats

"No other beat site offers you an opportunity of also making money..."
No other beat site offers you an opportunity of also making money just for bringing business and this is what I like the most about it and will continue to support it. Nice Concept
Get Started With One of Our Artists Plans Today!

Certified Audio Engineer
1994 (ARTI Long Island, NY)
Founder and Creator of 2005
Creator of 2008
5000 Plus Beat Selling Courses Sold!
Founder and Creator of 2010
Founder and Creator of 2022
"Letter from Allen Brown AKA FatFingers"
I have always managed to come up with ideas to help many in the music production community grow in some shape or form, and is one of those ideas. I felt it was long over due to figure out away that Music Producers and Artist alike could be a part of a community that benefits from each other and supports income growth at the same time. Carefully analyzing the current market and figuring out how to give back in a big way, the idea for the new business model was born. Passive Income While You Promote Your Beats Online!
Never before have we seen a system in the beat market that will reward you financially for doing nothing more than what you are already doing. If you are sharing your links and sending people to your beats online, then you already are doing what it takes to make money more ways than one with
I would like to extend my personal offer to you. Simply try my system out for 30 days and follow the steps we ask you to take. If you don't see any results by day 30, simply cancel your subscription and get 100% of your money refunded. $14.99 is not a problem for us to return, however, not trying out our system could be. The time is now to give it a try with nothing to worry about. We believe the reward is greater when you take the actions necessary to succeed.
Register today and I will see you on the other side. Peace!
Allen Founder

"I give thanks to the genius of Fat Fingers who inspired an era..."
I remember joining RocBattle 15 years ago as a Canadian music producer from a small town, who wouldn't know a hiphop artist from a happy meal! Yet, I decided to battle anyway, in spite of being a total underdog and I made it to the top.
That further propelled me to send my beats/music to music libraries. My stuff was picked up by many tv shows including Keeping up with the Kardashians. Later, I landed an indie movie score.
My confidence and my drive mostly came from other talented music producers and their feedback. I give thanks to the genius of Fat Fingers who inspired an era of at home amateur producers to do great things. I look forward to battling, learning more and being inspired again on Let's get it!

"Getting paid anything for your music is great motivation and incentive. "
Buy Beats is an excellent website/service for unknown beat makers and established I always say, it's like the ultimate place for one to sharpen the skills....and make a some money, while doing so.
Getting paid anything for your music is great motivation and incentive. One can sell his or her beats and battle hard for a big grand prize. Every day one could be recognized for his or her talents.
Great products can aid in your successes...and is a great product which offers a place to cultivate and nurture your gifts. The battles, the sales, the referrals, the displays, and the traffic, is all given and such a great help or springboard for you to grow. Rocbattle was the ultimate, is the ultimate shizznit...WORD!Ultimate Supastar, QUAZAR
(Real life, Rocbattle, & Buy Beats Veteran)