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$100 1st - tmthaproducer
$50 2nd - mrsonistbeatsoffi

BosBeats VS BobChops

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Battle Started : 2 weeks ago


(Please offer constructive critique without insults. Thanks!)
  • Tripl3C Tripl3C Producer
    2 weeks ago

    whooooaaah this is a close one but i just gotta cive the slight edge to chops with creativity

  • DJLocZmyth DJLocZmyth Producer
    2 weeks ago

    Not really my kinda thing but very interesting Bob. I think that piano you brought in around 54ish and again 1:54ish and so on... is a bit loud for the mix but the rest sounds level. I remember this smoke Bos! Got that hot mix on it. I think it more matches the guitar this way. Unless I'm crazy and you didn't adjust it.

  • BosBeats BosBeats Producer
    2 weeks ago

    Thx, ya much dif than the original, more hype.

  • DJLocZmyth DJLocZmyth Producer
    2 weeks ago

    Yes... I'd usually say it's too hot but it def fits that guitar better this way! Good work Sir!

  • BobChops BobChops Producer
    2 weeks ago

    Gl bos!

  • BosBeats BosBeats Producer
    2 weeks ago

    you as well BobChops, how ya been, how was ur holidays?

  • BobChops BobChops Producer
    2 weeks ago

    Hey bos was good times! I hear you got to have tariffs on your beats soon if you sell to artists in USA! I watch somthing where a man from Canada 🇨🇦 said it’s very hard to get on. He lives in apartment and is being evicted. My goal is to make millions of $ by the end of the year. If I don’t succeed my plan b is to fallback on drinking and high calories comfort foods. Wait here was link
    Edited 02-01-2025 19:30 PM

  • BosBeats BosBeats Producer
    2 weeks ago

    LOL, dude is 100 percent on point. Trump is doing great for Amercans, apparently there will be no income tax, something I wish I could have in Canada, our jackass Trudeau whom deserves the death penalty for so many reasons. I am in a same kind of predicament , I can make $9,000 Canadian per month but need $10,000, been using my credit line to get ahead plus I use to send about $1,000 for income tax payments monthly but have not payed a cent to the gov since 2023 so I owe about $18,000. Its fucking rediculous anywhere to get ahead, its all the cabal, Canada is owned by the crown at least 80 percent, not a conspiracy no more. The Federal reserve is not federal and there's no reserves, its fucking bankers from London, Trump is ending their enslavement on at least Americans, other countries will follow suit soon after. I figure I got 3 months before I lose my home or go bankrupt and maybe dont have to leave right away. My address might be the cement/streets, so tired of this bs, all these cunt taxes, we are a clean country yet have high carbon taxes and will continue to go up. Oh by the way I cant sell beats, tried, sold not one here, did on my old site but was promised by 2 companies I would make way more if I went with them, got scammed 2 times in 4 yrs sold zero beats both sites, I guess I am a has been and all these new rappers just want mumble rap with hi hats on drugs n lame ass melodies. Oh ya Re-max (realtor company) we had been there cleaning for them 19 yrs, they let us go to get their receptionist the contract, they said they liked us and our work but want to help their own, I thought I was their own after 19 yrs but we are expendable, there goes another fucking grand. I don't drink but hell have been eating junk food cuz I now can only afford dollar store groceries. Thinking I should change my Beat name to Cantsellafuckingbeat, or something on that line. Maybe BrokeAssBeats, hmmm ya dig? I hope United Nations, The WHO, The WEF, Nato, Bill Gates and the 13 bloodlines Die, the world would be a better place, its all about control enslavement and depopulation that is 100 percent facts, hoping that is why the Angel of death is on earth right now.

  • BobChops BobChops Producer
    2 weeks ago

    Oh dear! I didn’t realise you were in that much trouble with your living arrangements! The system is designed so no matter how hard you work, you always end up with nothing. The beat selling thing for me is over. It’s oversaturated market. I view music same as playing computer games, a therapeutic waste of time, while I plan my next move. You would be much better off making a YouTube channel and doing beat making tutorials. Getting paid from donations and YouTube. Takes a long time to get going tho. Build the subs. The video with the eviction is brutal. And also what he says about working trades in Canada, you have to go through agencies that cap the pay at 100 a day.

Battle Results (BosBeats VS BobChops)