AMEK 9099 Thoughts?


  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 1 year ago Producer

    I have it and don't use it much, but maybe I should. 2 youtubers have differing opinions on it.  First Paul Third who says it is a sterile channel strip with no saturation, and is no different than using the Metric Halo Channel Strip.  Then Dan Worrall, a pro engineer who works with Fabfilter who says it does not null to plain digital EQs, and in fact says it is a nice channel strip with great features.  He does not always say this about most plugins and in fact shits on a lot of plugins that I have liked over the years, but his research and data is spot on.  It's definitely a sexy plugin, and the EQ is made by Rupert Neve.  For those who are nerdy about mix engineering, Neve has made some of the best sounding consoles ever, and more than likely you are using some of his designed gear in your studio right now.  (1176 compressor, 2254 compressor, 1073 preamp, 1073 + 1084 EQ) For those who have used it, what is your opinion?  Now compare this to the SSL 9000 J plugin.  Which one do you think sounds better?