I don’t know about y’all but I’m selling beats like crazy


  • SkreallaMike SkreallaMike 1 year ago Producer

    Lol I’m glad I’m losing battles cause I’m damn sure selling lol so much love if you bringing in customers cause I’m promoting my but off and selling I can’t wait till I make money off of referral that’s gonna be fun too lol so do you and remember rappers buy beats not Beat makers ?

  • BosBeats BosBeats 1 year ago Producer

    what kind of promo you doing if you don't mind? I suck at promos but good at branding.

  • SkreallaMike SkreallaMike 1 year ago Producer

    I do a little with Facebook I asked Fat to help me with other avenues and he said he would be giving us more ways soon

    I really made this post so people losing battles don’t feel like they beat not worthy for marketing I wanted to show people that battling beats whether you win or lose it helps promote your beat and could possibly lead to a sell because I have a beat that lost a battle but that same beat made a sell you feel me

    I guess I could’ve worded the post better

  • BosBeats BosBeats 1 year ago Producer

    I feel you on this bro, cant wait to hear what fats has to add to beat sales. Many times I go nuts adding musicality to a beat and people be like "Great for soundtrack music", sometimes simple is better or less is better especially for artists. Good for you gettin a sale bro, it is not easy, I had beat stars for a year and airbit close to that and not one $15 beat sale yet.Years ago I was a top seller on mybeatshop before they scammed people but times have also changed where most sales I can bet are trap music and I only have a few trap beats.

  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 1 year ago Producer

    Congrats! Battle beats are for battling, and other beats tend to be more open for artists. Your beats are open and good for artists to work with. Don't change your style. But make sure you have the trackouts to those beats (when they buy exclusive), because I predict some (the more serious ones) will want to get those songs mixed by an engineer they paid or know.

  • SkreallaMike SkreallaMike 1 year ago Producer

    Yea I tracked them out dry and wet and I make sure my wav file has room under -3 db for mixing and mastering the loud beat you hear and call smashed is just the mp3 This site lowers my mixes so I have to go back and adjust the loudness to be able to compete I don’t usually make my tracks that loud but due to this site it makes you

  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 1 year ago Producer

    What I am saying by smashed is master bus compression. The site isn't doing that.

  • SkreallaMike SkreallaMike 1 year ago Producer

    I only put a L2 limiter on the bus to raise levels I compress very little and I is a aux track for the compression and use very little just enough to keep peeks down but I hear you and will keep all this in mind thanks

  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 1 year ago Producer

    So how hard are you slamming the L2?