Randomizing Featured Producers


  • Arcade Arcade 2 years ago Bronze Status Producer

    Can you make it to where the Featured Beats can randomize the same way is randomized on this site?

  • FatFingers FatFingers 2 years ago Boss Status Member

    Will Do!


  • Arcade Arcade 2 years ago Bronze Status Producer

    Awesome thanks

  • FatFingers FatFingers 2 years ago Boss Status Member

    This is done now but note, that because we have multiple pages, it will be randomized by sessions. This means if a visitor lands on your page, the order will change but will remain in that order for a few hours for that user only. This is done like this because with multiple pages you can get the same beats on other pages as you go from one page to the next.

    Hope that is clear. If not will explain another way. You can turn on beat random in your store settings. if you don't turn on, you can still manual drag and drop the order you want in beat management section.


  • Arcade Arcade 2 years ago Bronze Status Producer

    I got you. That’s dope thanks