Beats and Crypto/Blockchain/web3 and AI


  • kizombaparty kizombaparty 2 months ago Producer

    Buzz word topic i guess but lets discuss -- I was just curious if anyone does anything with their beats and crypto or blockchain.  Like:

    Accept crypto (btc, and others) in exchange for music/beats?

    Digitally signed proof of possession (create hash or via smart contract)?

    Mint NFTs of your beats and sell on blockchain?

    Use Web3 technology in some way with beats?

    Use AI to improve something (process automation like mastering) or generative (create images / sounds / video)?

    Personally, I messed with some of the NFT stuff bc I was collaborating w/ an artist who wanted to release that way, but I can't say that I've made any gains from music/crypto activities generally.  Curious if anyone else was.

  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 1 month ago Producer

    If they don't they need to start.  I pay attention to the news, and when I hear Texas and Florida is banning CBDCs, my ears perk up. What is a CBDC?  That is short for a Central Bank Digital Currency.  Now why TF would we need that?  Don't we already have the Dollar?  Don't we already pay for shit in dollars even in the digital cyberspace?  Hold up.  During Covid we printed 98% of all the money ever printed in the history of this country in 2 years... That means all the money in circulation is over abundant, and will drive the dollar into hyperinflation.  During this time, people will be pissed at the astronomical price of goods and services, and an alternative currency will come into its place... enter the CBDC.  But!  Not all states will accept the CBDC.  They will come up with an alternate form of money transfer, and money itself.  Probably a crypto?  Maybe, backed by a strong blockchain, and also backed with precious metals... perhaps.  All this shit should play out within the next 10 years at the most.  So, it is definitely the time to start looking at alternative forms of payment now, so you can stay on your feet during the financial crisis already underway.  

  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 1 month ago Producer

    What CoPilot says about this.  First printing money during COVID.


    During the Covid-19 pandemic, the US Federal Reserve took a seemingly drastic measure to inflate the economy: they printed trillions of dollars. This action of printing money to help the economy remain buoyant is known as “quantitative easing” (QE). In 2020 alone, the Federal Reserve printed approximately $3.3 trillion, which equates to one-fifth of all US dollars in circulation that year1. The key motivator for QE is to encourage borrowing. By keeping interest rates low, borrowing remains cheap, and individuals are encouraged to spend money on goods and services, thereby boosting the economy in the short term.

    However, QE has some long-term consequences. Two notable effects are:

    1. High inflation: Bloating the economy with cash can lead to price rises, as more demand chases a limited supply of goods and services. In 2022, US inflation reached a 41-year peak of 8.5%1.

    2. Rising interest rates: As inflation rises, interest rates often follow suit to slow consumer spending and protect the economy from the soaring cost of living. After the pandemic, interest rates steadily increased again to stabilize the effects of QE on the economy1.

    In summary, while QE helped stabilize the US economy during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, it also has long-term implications that are now being experienced1.



  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 1 month ago Producer

    More about CBDCs.  CoPilot.


    The discussion about a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) among politicians in the USA is gaining traction due to several factors:

    1. Technological Advancements: Technological progress has led to private-sector innovation in payments, prompting central banks to consider improvements to their payment systems, including the potential issuance of a CBDC1.

    2. Global Trend: With over 90% of central banks exploring CBDCs, the USA is considering its stance on this global movement. A U.S. CBDC could affect the international role of the dollar and U.S. payment systems in cross-border payments1.

    3. Economic Stability: A CBDC is seen as the most trusted and safest form of money since it presents no credit or liquidity risk. It could potentially provide a new form of central bank money1.

    4. Political Debate: The topic has become highly politicized, with some viewing it as a threat to freedom and others as a necessary step in financial innovation. Former President Donald Trump has expressed opposition to a digital dollar, while other politicians have shown varying degrees of support or concern2.

    5. Privacy Concerns: Privacy is one of the largest concerns surrounding CBDCs. The debate in the U.S. has become more intense than in other countries, with some fearing government overreach and privacy violations2.

    6. Legislative Actions: Some U.S. senators have introduced bills aiming to prohibit the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC, reflecting concerns about potential government overreach and privacy issues3.

    In essence, the conversation around CBDCs in the USA is a complex mix of technological, economic, and political considerations, with various stakeholders weighing in on the potential benefits and risks.



  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 1 month ago Producer

    BRICS.  Brazil Russia India China South africa.  An alliance.  Is creating their own CBDC to take down the Dollar as the world's reserve currency, and to take the stranglehold the US Dollar has over geopolitics.  We can literally destroy a country overnight with our money.  We can send a country into chaos with the dollar, or by restricting a country's access to it.  We let countries float their currency on the US Dollar, and when we did that, or for them to trade for oil in US Dollars, we essentially had the country's policymakers by the balls.  If they didn't tow the line with us, we could send their currency into the shitter overnight, and send their country into chaos causing regime changes, arab springs, and all that shit just with the dollar alone.  Suffice to say, much of the world is tired of our shit, and is trying to take the power of our money away from us.  What happens in the mean time is the US Dollar goes to hell in a handbasket.  Americans suffer.  More CoPilot analysis.


      The discussions around a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the USA are influenced by a variety of factors, including international developments and domestic economic policies. Here are some key points that connect the CBDC talks with BRICS and the quantitative easing during COVID:

    1. International Developments: The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have been exploring the creation of a joint supranational CBDC12. This move is part of a broader effort to reduce reliance on the US dollar in international settlements and could potentially challenge the dollar’s dominance in global trade3. The USA’s consideration of a CBDC may be partly in response to these international shifts and the desire to maintain the dollar’s status as the world’s primary reserve currency4.

    2. Quantitative Easing (QE) During COVID: The Federal Reserve’s QE program during the COVID-19 pandemic involved large-scale asset purchases to inject liquidity into the economy5. This unprecedented monetary expansion has raised concerns about long-term economic stability and inflation5. A CBDC could potentially offer a new tool for the Federal Reserve to manage monetary policy more effectively in the aftermath of such expansive QE measures6.

    3. Technological and Economic Shifts: The rapid technological advancements and the shift towards digital economies have made the concept of CBDCs more appealing. The pandemic accelerated the move towards digital payments, and a CBDC could further this transition while providing a state-backed, secure digital currency option7.

    4. Financial Autonomy: Similar to BRICS’ efforts, the USA might view a CBDC as a way to enhance financial autonomy and reduce dependence on traditional banking systems, which were heavily relied upon during the QE measures of the pandemic6.

    In summary, while the discussions about a CBDC in the USA are not solely due to the actions of BRICS or the QE during COVID, these factors do play a significant role in the broader context of why CBDCs are becoming an important topic among US policymakers. The potential impact of a US CBDC on international payments, the role of the dollar, and domestic monetary policy are all critical considerations in these discussions489.



  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 1 month ago Producer

    Now I have some possible scenarios playing out based on this discussion already.  First, the dollar is getting fucked, nothing we can do about that.  Democrats are hard pushing the CBDC, and  Republicans are fighting it.  Reason is Dems would dish it out according to some social credit score system, that was talked about, or is a fear of the Republicans, which will force people to vote Blue, or at least live according to the Democrats rules no matter who is in power.  Republicans fear this can drive corruption, and Democrats would have a monopoly somehow over this system, and money. On the other hand Republicans have not been very vocal about their solution to a dying dollar, but Red states have been working on gold bullion depositories, and encouraging blockchains to setup shop in their states.  


    Either way, there will be infighting in the government about how people are going to pay for shit in the near future.  Now Trump is against the CBDC.  So if he is president again this year, if the dollar takes a shit next year, he will be blamed for it.  If Biden wins, they will trot out the CBDC quickly, and Red States will pushback against it.  Also, the dollar taking a shit will be blamed on Biden.  But make no mistake, the dollar will take a shit no matter who is in office.  It's not really their fault per se.  This ball has been rolling since 1972 when Nixon took us off the Gold Standard, and created the Petrodollar.  If you check the FRED charts, you will see that the price of goods and services has skyrocketed since taking the US off the Gold Standard, and putting us on the Petrodollar.  Which is what the dollar really is today.  Now you know why we REALLY went to war in Iraq, and Afghanistan.  It was all planned in the 90s during the PNAC, and 9/11 was a false flag attack.  Larry Silverstein bought WTC from the NY Port Authority in January 2001, and planned to demolition the buildings because they were largely empty, and were unsafe due to asbestos.  Plus they were expensive to maintain.  The new WTC which is more efficient, and cheaper, and more modern looking took its place.  PNAC needed a "Pearl Harbor like event" to galvanize the public to support a fight against their AXIS of EVIL.  Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, and Iran.  America needs to control the world's oil to protect the dollar.  If not, the dollar would collapse, and America right along with it.  So... it was setup on the day of demolition, to hit the towers with planes, then control the demolition to ensure they did not fall onto other buildings in the area, so we could have a pretext for war in the middle east and to keep the dollar under our control.  Why did we need to do this?  This is due to the geopolitical situation of the time, when the countries in the middle east were tired of being puppets to America, and wanted to break free from being hostage to us.  Saddam was one of the first to propose dumping the US dollar, and trading in some other currency.  Saddam was a friend of the US in the 1980s during the Iran Iraq war.  Then Saddam in 1991 gave us the big middle finger, and seized Kuwait.  Then we beat his army's ass into the ground in 100 hours, and hit him with a lot of high tech shit we were saving to smash the Soviets with had there been a war with them.  We showed the world that if you fuck with our money, and our oil, we will not play a fuck around war, we can, and are capable of winning wars really fucking fast, and with a lot of devestation.  Now in 2001, 2003, and later we played more fuck around war because we needed to have an excuse to stay in the middle east until we had a trusted puppet government in both countries Afghanistan and Iraq. Afghanistan is not really an oil producing country, but it is to have an excuse to have US troops there, and then in Iraq, this is to have Iran sandwiched, and we could launch an invasion from both countries, and overwhelm Iran before Russia could support them.  But make no mistake, if the war is serious enough, and we need to win, we will win that shit fast AF, with more firepower than you have ever seen, with weapons that look like Darth Vader used that shit. We spend more on military industry than every other nation on the earth combined.  You just haven't seen the shit yet.  Trump was not lying when he said we have weapons that would destroy everything.  Nukes are old shit technology.  Give the right reason, and you will see some Space Age UFO shit win the war for us.  But ultimately a military machine does not travel on its stomach, it travels on its wallet, and if the dollar goes to shit, this high tech juggernaut miltary we have will be grounded, and unable to move.   


    Anyhow, the reason we go to war is for the dollar.  And it seems like winning a war with Russia and China, and all their proxies, is not a good long term solution to the dollar.  We will have to change to something else.  Enter the digital currency.  


    CoPilot's definition and explanation of the Petrodollar. 


    The sale of oil in dollars does indeed have an impact on the value of the U.S. dollar. Let’s explore how petrodollars affect the dollar:

    1. Definition of Petrodollars:

    2. Historical Context:

    3. Why the Dollar?:

      • The U.S. dollar’s global popularity is based on several factors:

        • Largest Economy: The U.S. has the world’s largest economy.

        • Goods Importer: It is a major importer of goods.

        • Deep Capital Markets: The U.S. has deep, liquid capital markets backed by the rule of law.

        • Military Power: The dollar’s status is also supported by U.S. military power1.

    4. Petrodollar Recycling:

    5. Impact on Dollar Value:

    In summary, the sale of oil in dollars reinforces the dollar’s global dominance and affects its value, especially when oil prices fluctuate32. However, it’s essential to recognize that the petrodollar system is complex and intertwined with global economic dynamics3. ??



  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 1 month ago Producer

    So, in summary, yes, find a new method of payment now.  Cryptos are everywhere, and many will rise and fall. How do you know which one will be safe?  I have no idea.  In the meantime you could get some Gold and Silver coins, junk Silver coins are still cheap but as the dollar falls, the price of Silver will rise, and really high.  Gold is not cheap anymore, and won't be for a very very long time.  Actually its going to go up a lot, and I am not saying to get Gold chains, and grills and shit.  You need coins that you can trade, and then sell back to a dealer for liquidity.  This is so you protect your money, and have access to it when you need it, and yes if you find a stable crypto that is trusted and legit, then invest in that too.  Diversify.  But how can people pay you for your services over the internet now? I guess in dollars, and any crypto you trust, that is the best way for now.  But be ready.  Politicians are already trying to leverage all these extra dollars in circulation for political gain right now, knowing the economy will take a shit anyway very soon.  Look at California's minimum wage hike.  They will blame all this inflation on that, but really it was already coming.  Plus $20 an hour today is about $10 an hour in the mid 1990s.  Not exactly an amount that should break the system, but it will be blamed on that.  Get ready for fully autonomous fast food joints, and for most minimum wage labor jobs to be replaced by robots and AI very very soon in California, and eventually Nationwide.  Get ready Ladies and Gentlemen.  It will be a fucking ride for a little while.  I hope I am wrong, but its good to be prepared just in case. 

  • BosBeats BosBeats 1 month ago Producer

    We are living in biblical times, things are about to change from what I am hearing. Global elites are trying for their one currency one religion like mentioned in the bible. Not one form of currency other than silver and gold has lasted much more than 100 years or so, every currency has be worth less and less until worthless, this is and will happen to the petro dollar, heck there is no petro backing the dolla as suadi recently joined the BRICS. Kim Clement who propheside the a man by the name of Donald would be president for 2 terms also prophesied that BRICS (brother goliath) will criple the US and the US dollar will no longer be main world currency, with hundreds of banks closing down something is def gonna happen. Gold and silver may triple, they have been manipulated but they are going vertical, I kind of wish I had known what I do years ago because they will sky rocket. CBCD is just a way to control, these elites are all about depopulation and control and nothing but, the money system is backed by nothing and they print it out of thin air. It will be very interesting to see what happens this year. Some crypto is sky rocketing while others might go sour.

  • JimmyDukes JimmyDukes 2 months ago Producer

    I wanna start but i have no clue what to do,

  • kizombaparty kizombaparty 2 months ago Producer

    I feel like NFTs are weird....  But the tech behind it has inspired various projects out that do Web3, smart contracts, or a combination of things involving crypto at the point of sale.  I was doing remix contests a lot last year and stumbled upon "Audius" which rewards ppl in their own native coin.  

    I also just found this "build your own nft market" idea here

    interesting stuff...

  • kizombaparty kizombaparty 2 months ago Producer

    First, open an exchange account (I use Coinbase as I am based in the US).  That will get you started in understanding how the creation of crypto wallets are created and how to purchase, transfer and monitor your crypto.

  • AboutBeats AboutBeats 2 months ago Bronze Status Producer

    i once sold a beat for 100 USD and i got paid in Bitcoin

  • kizombaparty kizombaparty 2 months ago Producer

    nice!  did u hold on to it? prob worth more now

  • AboutBeats AboutBeats 4 weeks ago Bronze Status Producer

    yeah still have it

  • GAmmo GAmmo 2 months ago Producer

    Im into crypto, but not in combination with beats; not sure if anyone wanna buy a beat with bitcoin nowadays; BTC is at all time high haha

  • kizombaparty kizombaparty 2 months ago Producer

    I actually researched how to start accepting crypto for my beat sales two BTC halvings ago. It really was not user friendly for either the buyer or me at that point. I need to look into it again to see if it can be made more user and seller friendly with newer technology that has arisen since I last looked. My guess is that the current fees associated with crypto transfers with the major coins is still cost prohibitive in the scheme of things.  Count me as a hodler.

  • GAmmo GAmmo 2 months ago Producer

    Yeah i was trading for a while... went fine... and shit again... and fine again :). But im more of a hodler aswell; gotta think about my retirement ya know hahaha

  • kizombaparty kizombaparty 2 months ago Producer

    One would think that we would have learned from the first time we went through the crypto winter when to get out......but had to live through a 2nd one.  Not this time. 

  • kizombaparty kizombaparty 1 month ago Producer

    Speaking of AI: 



    "Introducing Udio, an app for music creation and sharing that allows you to generate amazing music in your favorite styles with intuitive and powerful text-prompting."


    .... it's been real fun yall

  • GAmmo GAmmo 1 month ago Producer

    This is only 1% of wat AI can do... I won't even be shocked if in a few years they say that AI has been around since the 80's or 90's in full force. They are mixing the 10% truth with 90% lies. Most of us don't even see the difference. 

  • kizombaparty kizombaparty 1 month ago Producer

    Producers/artists have to be different more than ever now to cut thru the noise.  Use more weird snares and percussions LOL

  • Jokeyent Jokeyent 4 weeks ago Bronze Status Producer

    When in investing?I've been doing this for many way to invest is cash value life insurance....stock wise I invest in airplane fuel and pharmaceuticals...Mutual funds I invest in Roth IRAs...the western world are going back to currency backed by gold and silver ...we are making money out of thin air...that's not an investment that is a pazzi scheme don't fall for it people have lost millions in crypto currency and nfts...