:How to Share, Promote & Earn From the Beat Promoters Radio HOT 100 Playlist!


  • jonesontheBEAT jonesontheBEAT 5 months ago Hustler Status Producer

    :How to Share, Promote & Earn From the Beat Promoters Radio HOT 100 Playlist!

    What's up music creator family!

    We are thrilled to see the progress we're making with the Beat Promoters Radio HOT 100! It's exciting to witness the evolution and cohesion of the system. Remember, the true value of the HOT 100 playlist concept lies in its distribution aspect. We are constructing the first-ever "Beat Distribution Network" - hence the name Digital Street Team.

    However, for us as a community to fully activate our plan and maximize our results, it is crucial that we execute the most important piece: ensuring that everyone involved is sharing and promoting the HOT 100 playlist.

    How to Promote the HOT 100 Playlist

    As we curate the HOT 100 in different genres each week, we promote the playlist in our "Link in bio." This can be easily done using a link in bio tool. You can utilize the one provided on the Buybeats platform, or your preferred link and bio tool of choice.

    In your link in bios across your social media platforms, you will add the links to each HOT 100 Playlist you are interested in promoting. We highly recommend promoting all of them, as it is challenging to predict what genre of music an artist who discovers you on social media may be seeking.

    Where to Promote the HOT 100 Playlist

    Keep in mind... the best way to promote the HOT 100 is everywhere! Remember, you have the opportunity to earn in multiple ways when you share the playlist. Therefore, it makes the most sense to share it wherever it can be found.

    Instagram: Add links to your bio and story highlights.

    TikTok: Add links to your bio.

    YouTube: Include links in your channel links.

    Twitter: Add links to your bio.

    Facebook: Add links to your bio.

    Feel free to add the links to the HOT 100 Playlist wherever you want to promote them!

    Lastly, this is truly how we can leverage our collective strength and build the first-ever "Beat Distribution Network." It will allow everyone to increase their visibility, grow their brand on social media, and most importantly, boost sales.

    Let's make it happen, family! :::