Master Bus Engineering - The Final Polish


  • kizombaparty kizombaparty 3 weeks ago Producer

    Hey BB fam,

    I get a bunch of questions about mastering.  Recently, I was asked to provide screenshots of my settings before a dolby digital mastering session for a release.   I am merely just sharing the same thing here because I really do like the results I've been getting.  Recommend reading further if you are interested in improving or learning about mastering your music.

    The mix of individual sounds is NOT what I'm showing here - just the master bus plug and the settings.  I have been really liking the new and improved features of Izotope Ozone Advanced mastering suite.  Moreover, I also use Izotope Nectar 4 for vocal mixing, but this thread is about mastering the final thing.  For several years, all I ever used was IKmultimedia T-Rackz to master everything.  But this new Ozone is incredible - has AI included as well to help you learn and educate you on the areas in your mix it tries to improve automatically.  

    Screenshot of settings (powerpoint, screenshot per module active on master chain) at the link below.  If you are not able to download, let me know and I'll figure out a different way.


    PLUG:  OZONE 11 Advanced


    Modules in order:

    Master Rebalance

    Equalizer 1

    Dynamics (dynamic compression)

    Impact (micro dynamic compression)

    Imager (stereo imager)

    Clarity processor

    Stabilizer (tonal shaper)

    Dynamic EQ


