How To Send Beats to Artists - Even Without Having an Email List [EBOOK]




Here is yet another means for producers to share/promote/get their name out there - hopefully into the hands of someone who is in need of what they have to offer. Essentially, the idea here is to build a community of producers & artists from whom we can learn from to better increase our reach. Because we all know that increasing your exposure is increasing your value. And by increasing your value - you are increasing your demand. While increasing your demand, you are thus increasing your earnings. See what I'm getting at...? It all ties together. Since the main goal shared by everyone in the creative fields is to reach financial stability through the ability to live off of our own creations, Right? But in order to get there we must rely heavily on other creators to show us. This is done by building community. Enhancing its outreach. From helping others who may lack the resources that you may access to. By providing your skills or knowledge to someone or something in order to grow an idea or better ones existence. Offer to teach, or be willing to learn. "Find gems, and mine them. Provide gems to shine them." "Find gems, mine them. Purify, and provide gems
while others shine & buy gems, You kindly re-supply them.  Our intention and responsibility is to provide the tools necessary to help independent artists/producers advance their careers in order to achieve financial freedom and dependence solely from your music. These tools will be the most widely used, highly regarded, and rigorously tested in order to achieve the most impact moving forward & with the least amount of time invested on your part. However, understand that you must be willing to invest in yourself in order to grow. The more you invest in yourself upfront - the greater your reach and return on the backend. This is absolute. There is no way to bypass this if you want to become musically dependent one day. Now with all that being said, we encourage you to try out our simple suggestions for yourself before jumping in head first. Although we will never suggest any digital marketing tool or tactic that we haven’t tried out ourselves and believe in it whole heartedly as it has provided results for us, there is no actual way of knowing how well it may work for you - as every tactic will be slightly different on a case to case basis and every tool may be used in a slightly different way  As musicians, we have invested a countless amount of energy, our time, our money, our entire life into developing our craft. We do this because it is our passion and desire and we love the creative process. But I'm willing to bet that none of us ever imagined we would be asking for help. No way. We can and we will do everything. After all, It is our nature to be stubborn and controlling and willing to manage all aspects of our careers and livelihood. But there comes a point in which we, as basic humans, hit a brick wall. There are only so many hours in a day and in order to move up to the next level of our creative growth, its necessary to begin seeking help. I am at this point myself. And I must admit that I've been struggling with it. But lately I've been able to let things go and understand that it's okay to ask for help. Ive always wanted to be a musician for as long as I can remember. But I admit that I did not see the writing on the wall. Because not only are we no longer allowed to be a musician by trade, we inevitably reach the steadfast arching reality that if we desire a career in music, we also at bare minimum must be an expert in field of marketing , an owner of business, a superstar salesman, an internet guru, an admirer of analytics, and a goat at any and all social content creation, copy, graphics, videography, etc. God the list goes on and on … The point is, you must not only study and learn all of these subjects people go to school and get degrees for, you must create and implement these campaigns, consistently, nonstop on all of the social media platforms (and website, and blog, etc) and not dare miss a single day. Heaven forbid you miss one day of uploading and disappoint the 'Holy Almighty Algorithms' and literally lose all momentum you've built up until then. The pressure can be numbing. The expectations on an individual are unhealthy. This new form of navigating the music industry is beyond comprehension. Maybe in order to achieve and hold on to this dream you've had your whole life, you must devote all you time - quite your job, become a ghost to your friends and family, even if you had all the time in the world to become an influencer - it is still no guarantee that you will even earn enough to support yourself… yourself, no-one else. learning all that shit takes so much time and effort , one day you look up and realize you haven't touched your instrument in a week. When will you write new songs? To get better and grow as an artist - you dont. Consistency is key and that even includes music. Your idle hands will be doing the devils work. And he will set up camp in y our backyard, if he hasn't already. So that leaves us with 3 choices pretty much eh… I guess so.. 
1. Make music for yourself nobody will ever hear. 2.Quit playing music altogether and focus on a career in one ofthe aforementioned fields 3.Learn how to ask for help. 
  It Is the saddest story of what has become of music. Today it is a commodity. Commodities are basic goods and materials that are widely used and are not meaningfully differentiated from one another. A commodity is an item of no great value: junk. scraps. clutter. scrap... Now we must add music to that list. Music is a cornerstone of society and it has become our job to figure out how to convince people that it's worthy of their money

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