Cmon, lets get some battles going friends...


  • BobChops BobChops 1 year ago Producer

    Let's do some fun battles!

    Where are you? Why you hiding? If i was a young man, like you guys, I would be battling twice a day.

    Dayum, I am old man's and I want to do it more then you young guys??? what's up with that?

  • BosBeats BosBeats 1 year ago Producer

    I feel the same, but since loosing 4 times in one month I need to go back to the studio and step it up.

  • BobChops BobChops 1 year ago Producer

    Yes, yes.

    I recently thought about hanging it all up. But as if some quirk in the universe, all of a sudden I was able to work out some things I have been trying to do for very long years.

    I obviously have to refine what I have learned now, so might not show up in my beats straight away. But it has made me want to at least blast these techniques a few times!

    In a way, beat battling is like an arms race. Got to keep developing new weapons to use on the battlefield.

    The frustration and depression, I get about my beats, is when I feel like I haven't moved on, in a long time. I might still be able to make good beats, but it's not the same as when you feel liked you climbed to a new plateau. When I am just banging out beats, doing it the same way I have for a while, I start to get board of it.