Loudness Matching


  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 2 years ago Producer

    Would like to see this as it will promote better and more realistic mixing technique. Some battles I heard recently were a loudness war, and sounded horrible as a result. Lots of pumping compression, harsh digital distortion, very mid rangy mixes because they are trying to out do each other in loudness to win battles. Loudness matching will make the more dynamic mixes stand out better since they didn't squash all their transients to hell. Plus this would help beat buyers not end up with slammed beats they can do nothing with in the studio.

  • BobChops BobChops 2 years ago Producer

    Yes I agree with this a lot. Spotify does this as well I believe...?

    Loudness is a cheesy trick. Like someone pointing at something, then snatching your wallet, when you are distracted. Mixing is about much more, then how far you are willing to turn the limiters gain knob.

    Loudness matching would be the best outcome. But failing that, just keeping the uploaded beats at the level they were recorded at would help a lot.

  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 2 years ago Producer

    Absolutely. Having a loudness war is to push producers into bad habits that won't translate well into a real music career. Plus producers who are used to doing tricks to make their music louder such as hard clipping drums, using distortion plugins in order to drive the signal super hot, and other nefarious techniques will just piss off clients, and their engineers in the long run.

    Case in point, I was mixing a song for a client of mine who had a reggaeton song, and the producer had sent the multitracks from his FL Studio session with a lot of hard clipped drums. How did I know he used FL? Because the tracks had 2 useless tracks called "current", and "master" that FL Studio always does when you export mixer tracks. Anyhow the drums were already distorted. And not clean.
    I still made them sound okay, but they annoyed both me and the client. He called the producer an "a$$hole" for sending crap tracks.

    I suppose this producer was used to trying to make things loud in the production to impress his clients, but seems to be a novice as he did not know how to properly send his tracks for mixing. This case being that the person fell into some bad habits. What this will end up doing in the end, and I am already starting to see it, is that artists, (at least serious ones) are starting to opt for working with producers who live in their local area, and not to deal with those on the internet. While that may be cool for those who live in cities with an actual music industry (Atlanta, NYC, LA, Miami) it hurts the producers who may live in "smalltown USA" or in another country who may be very talented, but artists in the industry or trying to seriously get into it, won't want to deal with them because of the reputation of internet beatmakers.

    I really feel a site like this and it's predecessor "Rocbattle" kind of set the standard for how producers do business on the internet, and my thought is to not encourage bad practices, but to discourage them, and loudness matching is the first very important thing that needs to be in place to break internet producers of bad habits. The loudness war is over in the music business professionally, why not end that here as well? -14 LUFS. Set it and forget it.

  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 2 years ago Producer

    Yeah I don't know how hard this is to achieve, but it seems like it won't be too hard, or perhaps, they can get an API or something of that nature. A website called "loudness penalty" seems to have a very simple system in place to see how the respective services out there will smash down the volume of your song. Whatever they are using on their site, I imagine won't be too terribly difficult to implement into the battle system.

  • BobChops BobChops 2 years ago Producer

    I don't know for sure, as I didn't look at it for too long, but it seems that this does the loudness correction,


  • BobChops BobChops 2 years ago Producer


    hmmm... That seems like it might work.

  • SkreallaMike SkreallaMike 2 years ago Producer

    Lower the buy beats .com tag to loud it’s just a watermark don’t need to be that loud this is why people blasting their beats tryna drown that out

  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 2 years ago Producer

    Makes sense. They just need to lower it a tad bit.

  • FatFingers FatFingers 2 years ago Executive Status Member

    Changed it completely.

  • BobChops BobChops 2 years ago Producer

    I understand, the loudness matching is probably a big job to implement. It would take probably a few days hardcore to do. And I am sure that, with it being a new site, there is probably very little time available.

    That said, in the battles, some people have really driven their beats super hard, and they are distorting and don't sound nice.

    Maybe in the future, the loudness matching thing, might appear. Let's hope so!

  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 2 years ago Producer

    It might be some work, but is necessary. The master bus compression pumping is really bad in a lot of battles. I can't even listen to most of these beats in the battles.