Produced my first EP


  • ConsciousRealmRecords ConsciousRealmRecords 4 months ago Producer

    Just produced my first project. Check out Eyem1 on Spotify "The Hopeless EP". 

  • staffmuzik staffmuzik 3 months ago Producer

    I remeber when I did my first EP/Beat tape with Trauhmah Beats back in 2014. I felt very accomplished for creating my own project. Now almost 30 beat tape/albums later I have built a small fanbase around the world. At one point I was putting out 4-6 beat tapes a year. I'm still creating new beat tapes every year and may never stop until I drop. I get more fulfillment making albums. Keep going and never stop making the music you love not what other people want you to do. Someone will like it regardless.