Surviving societal collapse


  • BobChops BobChops 5 months ago Producer




     I always thought this. When I hear about most people preperations, I always thought, they didn't have a lot of food. And also in any break down of soceity, it's not going to be the goodie two shoes, who made preperations to survive, who is going to do very well. It probably be the complete phychos that do somewhat well. 


    Everyone has a survival instinct.  From the smallest man, who is very weak, to the old woman. Everyone will have to come up with unique ways to survive. Easy mode would be if you are big dude, with muscley body, and look scary.  That would help... But might be a problem as other people see you as a threat, and you might have to have power struggles against, other mens with muscley bodies.  




  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 5 months ago Producer

     In USA, answer is guns.  Probably knives too.  Too many people here with criminal mindsets.  You either get armed, or get shit on in that scenario, but I doubt it would last long.  A society that has collapsed that bad is ripe for swift government / military takeover.  The ones who survive have fluid intelligence, and can change with the winds.  But that's not the scenario I see.  I see a shift in power, and people living largely like they do now, but having to accept a new reality.  They will have to get into the digital currencies, learn a skill that AI can't do so they have a job in the future, or learn to go into business for themselves.  Otherwise they will be subject to the CBDC / Universal Basic Income, and have to jump through the hoops to get it.  Which would be keeping up to date with their vaccinations, and any other demands the government would have for them in those times.  The scenario you lay out however would be a warzone, and while that can happen it won't be everywhere.  

  • Jokeyent Jokeyent 5 months ago Bronze Status Producer

    Honestly?The world is about survival...Civilization is actually a false sense of security....u believe in it to survive...if not we all would literally kill each other like lions

  • VigilanteStylez VigilanteStylez 5 months ago Producer

    I think humans will always form some type of system to govern themselves by.  Dudes in prison have their own justice system, and currency.  Currency = Ramen noodles or cigarettes.  Justice system = beat the dude down in the yard or in the bathroom. Humans will always form some type of civilization, it is encoded in our psyche to do so.