Voting.. I have to call one small thing out. Nothing major but needs talked about


  • DonKodyGotSlapz DonKodyGotSlapz 6 months ago Hustler Status Producer

    Miracle & Elfree battle.. it's a SOUL battle. I'm sure you guys are seasoned in the beat arena so level with me. How can you vote for the track that is NOT in with in the rules of battle? My brother Miracle beat is Hip-Hop beat (a dope one too) BUT it's not a Soul track. To keep guys on point, what if we do a win by default system in these cases? This is an integrity cal on my behalf. No disrespect intended.

  • GAmmo GAmmo 6 months ago Producer

    yeah this is a thing that has been pointed out multiple times by more people about genre battles, in forum posts and as comments on battles. Im afraid people will start to ignore the genre at all and start voting on ''well this beat sounds better''. 

  • DonKodyGotSlapz DonKodyGotSlapz 6 months ago Hustler Status Producer


  • KingDavidProduction KingDavidProduction 6 months ago Bronze Status Producer

    i agree, and have pointed this out myself. It's like a country song going against hip-hop. 75% of country fans hate hip-hop. So they don't care what it sounds like. They vote for the country.


  • OneKingManagement OneKingManagement 6 months ago Bronze Status Music Executive
