Beat Name: Lax

Producer: Woke Boy Wonders

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While you've been clicking through the vast (oversaturated) catalog of endless (useless) beats on Airbit & others, has it occurred to you that THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME??? How quickly did it take you a set formula's, patterns, sounds, structures, etc?? How inspired can you really be, in regards to "TYPE BEATS"?. Don't be ignorant. Don't be foolish. That shit is only a marketing ploy for online producers to actually make some money now ever since dudes started charging $1/beat or even giving them away for free. They single handedly killed their own industry & I am very pissed off about it. Also, I'm here to tell you that type beats aren't going to save it. Let me ask you: When you go to the grocery store & they have a thousand jugs of milk & since you're a conscious human you maybe glance at the expiration dates: One of them expires next month, & another one expires in nine months... which would you purchase? - Uh huh, exactly. The free one of course!!!! Ugh, fuck me. This analogy sums up the horrific truth for producers like me attempting to earn SOMETHING/ANYTHING AT ALL by selling beats online today.


The moral of this rant? Artist should think of their skills like they think about their health: would you put just anything in your body? As you would invest a little more $ for better quality product you will be healthier. However, if you decide to go with something else because it's free, it's likely going to turn rotten fast and make you sick. Feel me? Think about it. Think about your skills and how it directly relates to your health. Think about your future. Go ahead... think... keep thinking about it... go smoke a cig and think some more... uh huh, very good. Now you're learning!!!





  • Genre: BoomBap
  • BPM: 92
  • Beat Mood: Playful
  • Contain Sample: Yes
  • Keyword Tags: drake type beat, da baby type beat, lil durk type beat, bad bunny type beat
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