Producer: BryanLitt
You must ALWAYS credit (prod. ___ x BryanLitt)
If selling a beat through BeatStars which uses the sample(s), you must collaborate and split percentage 50/50 with BryanLitt. (Beatstars name: "BryanLitt" )
If a record is placed using the sample(s), the publishing rights and masters (royalties) will be split EQUALLY with BryanLitt & producer(s) involved on the record and credited must be issued to BryanLitt
If a Non Major/Major Label or independant artist offers an advance or flat-fee for the prodcution which uses the sample(s), an equal split must be given to BryanLitt.
All contents in this folder are owned by BryanLitt
By downloading this material you agree to not in any way disclose this material to any third parties without the consent of BryanLitt.
BryanLitt owns 100% rights to all samples sent with this message.
Any unauthorized use of works sent from this email is subject to legal action.
- Genre: R&B
- BPM: 100
- Beat Mood: Ambient
- Contain Sample: No