Hate Voting


  • John_Pierre John_Pierre 7 months ago Producer

    I am gonna take on a controversial topic here... Something that everyone knows goes on but niggas act like it's taboo to mention it.


    Hate Voting.


    Look man, we all grown here. If you have  a problem with the way I voted, you can address it to me in my LIKE A MAN... and I have no problem with helping you understand why. However, this ticky-tack petty BS of giving someone a low score ONLY because they gave you one is childish and immature. GROW UP! Everyone should be trying to get better. If you only here to get your ego stroked you in for a rude awakening. We should all be striving for greatness and part of being great is being able to accept constructive criticism.

    Now I took time to say all this not just to speak for myself, but for everyone that has been victim to hate-voting here. It needs to end NOW! Get out your feeling and get your weight up! 


    Again, anyone that has a problem with what I said, address it DIRECTLY to me.... otherwise, you just let me know what kind of a man (or lacktherof) that you really are.

  • Uezurii Uezurii 7 months ago Bronze Status Producer

    Totally get where you're coming from. Those pesky 2's have been hitting my battles too lately, and I see it at others. It sucks pouring everything into a beat, only to get hit by some shady votes that feel more like cheap shots than real feedback.


    Communities should be about vibing together and lifting each other up. A low score? Cool, let it be a nudge to do better, not some petty revenge game. But when folks are giving props to mediocre beats and dissing the real jams, that's just messing up the whole scene.


    We gotta build a space where we can drop our beats and know we're getting real, honest feedback. Let's push each other to be better, have open chats, and keep the vibes positive. We're here to make dope music and inspire each other, not get lost in some ego battles.


    If someone's not feeling a beat, no big deal. We all got our tastes. But let's keep it about the music and growth. We should be hyping each other up and pushing the craft forward, not dragging each other down.

  • John_Pierre John_Pierre 7 months ago Producer

    well said!!!

  • Jokeyent Jokeyent 7 months ago Bronze Status Producer

    Cant control it...part of being a fire producer is having passion for your muzik...I went on a tirade yesterday simply because I lost...like...how dare I lose?lol came at staff heavy before Fatz checked me...moral of the story though?We all get in our emotions...you just keep it 100 people will be alright lol...some are more mature than others myself included...and as much as u think you keeping it real?Theres someone who thinks your not....thats why you cant control it...and some times JP you have to watch the way u comment ...although I know as a fact you a good dude...some people are offended when your too straight or blunt in your critique of others...so if you do decide to be like that be prepared to have thick ass skin lmaooo...

  • djprodluigi djprodluigi 7 months ago Hustler Status Producer

    Yeah, I agree with jokey. We all know you a good dude but you just got to watch out how one comments on someones beat. Some people will take it personally and thats why i agree with joeky since you can't control it. The best way to approach it, Is to tell what to improve on and give a little motivation in btwn

  • John_Pierre John_Pierre 7 months ago Producer

    I already do that. niggas still in they feelings though LOL

  • Uezurii Uezurii 7 months ago Bronze Status Producer

    We've all been there, getting heated when things don’t go our way, especially when we're all in on our music. Everyone's got their moments.


    As for the whole "keeping it real" thing, it's tricky. You wanna be straight up, but you don't wanna ruffle too many feathers. Some folks dig the direct approach, others? Not so much. Personally, I dig the blunt approach. It's straight to the point, no fluff. Helps me see what's real and where I can step up.


    At the end of the day, we're all here for the beats and vibes! 

  • FatFingers FatFingers 7 months ago Boss Status Member

    I understand losing but hate votes should not be tolerated. I see top notch beats getting 1's across the board. 

    Im going to program a system to identify the haters and curb it more. 

    stay tuned for the update. 


  • Uezurii Uezurii 7 months ago Bronze Status Producer

    Thank you for constantly leveling up the platform. That's some solid work right there. Can't wait to see what you drop next!

  • John_Pierre John_Pierre 7 months ago Producer

    That's wassup! Can't wait!!

  • FatFingers FatFingers 7 months ago Boss Status Member

    Here you go




  • BigThrowback BigThrowback 7 months ago Hustler Status Producer

    Producers are always going to be in there feelings about scores and votes, to be honest everybody feels they made the best beat but that will always be subjective to the listener if people actually followed the criteria the outcome would be different and a lot of producers vote according to who happens to vote for them.

    I am not too vocal because I'm very passionate about my craft and don't want to waste the air I need to breathe or injure my fingers typing to respond to negativity and hate.

    Even when you give a honest vote you won't get one in return if you didn't vote the way people feel that you should've voted this is just a circular debate anyway.

    My sole goal is to get better regardless of the existing cliques that's the only reason I battle is to get ads and generate interest in my beats other than that salute 2 the real one you know who you are .